We Are Now RISQS Certified And Elevating Our Drainage Services To New Standards

Today, we are excited to announce that Elliott Environmental Drainage Ltd. is now RISQS-certified. This certification marks a significant step in our commitment to providing top-notch drainage services. It demonstrates our dedication to meeting the high safety and quality standards the rail industry requires.

By achieving this milestone, we are enhancing our ability to serve clients in the rail sector and beyond, ensuring we deliver reliable and efficient liquid waste management solutions. Our focus on continuous improvement means we invest in our people and technology to provide the best possible service. With this article, we invite you to learn more about how our RISQS certification can elevate your projects.

If you’re ready to experience the difference of working with a RISQS-certified drainage specialist, don’t hesitate to reach out to Elliott Environmental Drainage Ltd. Contact us today on 01303814478 or email us at gina@elliottdrainage.co.uk for a free consultation and experience the difference of working with a certified drainage specialist.

RISQS-certified Elliott Environmental Drainage Ltd, your trusted partner for all drainage needs.

Understanding RISQS: The Gold Standard In Rail Industry Qualification

What Is RISQS?

RISQS, which stands for Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme, is more than another acronym. It represents the gold standard for supplier qualification in the UK rail industry. Managed by the Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB), RISQS is a comprehensive pre-qualification service used by buyers of all products and services throughout the rail sector.

The Purpose And Scope Of RISQS

The primary purpose of RISQS is to ensure that suppliers to the UK rail industry are:

  • Fit for purpose
  • Compliant with relevant EU and UK regulations
  • Capable of delivering safe and high-quality services

RISQS covers a wide range of aspects, including but not limited to:

  • Safety management systems
  • Quality control processes
  • Environmental policies
  • Technical capabilities
  • Financial stability
  • Workforce competence and training

Why RISQS Matters In The Drainage Industry

While RISQS is primarily associated with the rail industry, its implications extend far beyond. For drainage companies like ours, RISQS certification signifies:

  • Adherence to stringent safety standards: The rail industry has some of the most rigorous safety requirements. We demonstrate our commitment to safety across all our operations by meeting these standards.
  • Quality assurance: RISQS certification involves thorough audits of our processes, ensuring we maintain the highest quality standards in all our services.
  • Environmental responsibility: RISQS strongly emphasises environmental management, aligning with our commitment to sustainable practices.
  • Operational excellence: The certification process has helped us refine our operations, improving efficiency and reliability.

The Journey To Achieve RISQS Accreditation

The Certification Process

Achieving RISQS certification is no small feat. It involves a rigorous process that includes:

  • Application submission: We started by registering on the RISQS Portal, completing the application questionnaire, and selecting the appropriate Railway Commodity Classification List (RICCL) codes that align with our services.
  • Initial assessment: Our company comprehensively evaluated our capabilities, processes, and documentation to ensure we met the necessary standards.
  • Preparation for audit: We developed and organised our policies, procedures, and forms to establish a rail-compliant management system and ensured all documentation was in order.
  • On-site audits: RISQS auditors thoroughly inspected our facilities and operations, assessing our adherence to safety and quality protocols.
  • Documentation review: The auditors detailed our policies, procedures, and records to verify compliance with industry standards.
  • Staff interviews: Conversations with our team members were held to evaluate their competence and understanding of safety protocols, ensuring everyone was aligned with our commitment to excellence.
  • Continuous improvement: Based on the feedback from the audit process, we implemented necessary changes and improvements, reinforcing our dedication to maintaining high standards in our operations.

How Did We Prepare For RISQS Certification?

Our journey to RISQS certification to become the best liquid waste & drainage specialists in London involved several key steps:

  • Gap analysis: We thoroughly reviewed our existing processes against RISQS requirements to identify areas for improvement.
  • Process enhancement: We refined our operational procedures to align with RISQS standards, focusing on safety, quality, and efficiency.
  • Staff training: We invested in comprehensive training programs to ensure our team was fully prepared for the rigours of RISQS compliance.
  • Documentation overhaul: We updated and enhanced our documentation to meet the exacting standards required by RISQS.
  • Trial audits: We conducted internal audits to identify and address potential issues before the official RISQS assessment.

The Impact Of RISQS Certification On Our Services

1. Enhanced Safety Protocols

Safety has always been our top priority, but RISQS certification has increased our commitment. We’ve implemented even more robust safety measures, including:

  • Advanced risk assessment procedures
  • Enhanced personal protective equipment (PPE) standards
  • Regular safety drills and training sessions
  • Improved incident reporting and investigation processes

2. Elevated Quality Control

RISQS certification has led to significant improvements in our quality control processes:

  • Implementation of more stringent quality checks at every stage of our operations
  • Enhanced tracking and documentation of service quality metrics
  • Regular internal audits to maintain high standards
  • Continuous feedback loop for service improvement

3. Environmental Responsibility

Our RISQS certification has reinforced our commitment to environmentally friendly practices:

  • Adoption of more sustainable waste management techniques
  • Investment in eco-friendly equipment and vehicles
  • Implementation of energy-efficient practices in our operations
  • Enhanced recycling and waste reduction initiatives

4. Operational Efficiency

The RISQS certification process has helped us streamline our operations:

  • Optimised workflow processes for faster response times
  • Improved resource allocation for maximum efficiency
  • Enhanced scheduling and logistics management
  • Adoption of cutting-edge technologies for better service delivery

Benefits For Our Clients

Our RISQS certification translates into tangible benefits for our clients:

  • Assurance of quality: Working with a RISQS-certified company means partnering with a verified and trusted service provider.
  • Risk reduction: Our certification reduces procurement risks, giving you peace of mind when choosing a drainage service provider.
  • Compliance confidence: Our RISQS certification ensures compliance with relevant standards for clients in regulated industries.
  • Access to specialised expertise: Our certification process has further honed our skills, particularly in areas relevant to the rail industry.
  • Improved project outcomes: Our enhanced processes and standards lead to more efficient, high-quality project deliveries.

RISQS and Our Comprehensive Service Offerings

Our RISQS certification complements and enhances our wide range of services:

  • Drainage services in Kent: As one of the leading drainage service providers in Kent, our RISQS certification further solidifies our position as industry leaders.
  • Top trending drainage services in the UK: Our certification ensures we’re at the forefront of industry trends and best practices.
  • Specialised rail sector services: With RISQS certification, we’re uniquely positioned to serve the rail industry’s specific drainage needs.
  • Emergency response: Our enhanced operational efficiency means we can provide even faster and more effective emergency drainage services.
  • Preventative maintenance: Our rigorous quality control processes translate into more thorough and effective preventative maintenance services.


    Looking Ahead: Our Commitment to Continuous Improvement

    While achieving RISQS accreditation is a significant milestone, we see it as the beginning. We’re committed to:

    • Ongoing training: Continuous upskilling of our team to stay ahead of industry developments.
    • Technology adoption: Investing in cutting-edge technologies to enhance our service delivery.
    • Sustainability initiatives: Further developing our environmentally friendly practices.
    • Client collaboration: Working closely with our clients to understand and meet their evolving needs.
    • Industry leadership: Sharing our knowledge and best practices to contribute to the overall improvement of the drainage industry.


    Our RISQS certification marks a new chapter in Elliott Environmental Drainage’s commitment to excellence. It proves our dedication to safety, quality, and efficiency in our operations as a top-trending drainage service in the UK.

    So, whether you require routine maintenance, emergency services, or specialised drainage solutions for rail projects, you can trust us to deliver results that meet the highest industry standards.

    Call us on 02036331266 or email us at gina@elliottdrainage.co.uk to schedule your free consultation.

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